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--> Details : Half Helmet Scooter Moped Motorcycle Matte Black, Medium
- Lightweight, injection-molded polycarbonate shell
- Clear-coated, painted shell
- Soft, brushed nylon liner for added comfort
- Deluxe mesh crown pad
- DOT approved
... [ read more ]
--> Half Helmet Scooter Moped Motorcycle Matte Black, Medium - - Review by James N
I received Half Helmet Scooter Moped Motorcycle Matte Black, Medium - items not too long ago. It been working exactly as presented. Beneficial item. User helpful to the time that I did not need to read any details to operate. Checked the distances with other unit and feels to be very real. Glad I made the spend money on. I would suggest this product to you.
Buy Now! Half Helmet Scooter Moped Motorcycle Matte Black, Medium